Bande-son : “The Fall”, Rhye

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Un peu d’action…

A little bit of action…
Duel with an emu
While looking for emu eggs, sometimes you can hit the jackpot: finding a nest with 3-4 eggs (=rare).
The problem is, the emu is going to realize pretty soon that they disappeared…
Attack phase 1: the emu lengthens its neck to make you feel their physical superiority.
Attack phase 2: the emu snaps its beak = intimidation.
Attack phase 3: the emu walks straight to you while snapping its beak and keeping eye contact = duel begins!
Things not to do while fighting with an emu:
– Run: the emu will always be faster than you (unless you’re Usain Bolt…)
– Turn your back; obviously it might peck you!
– Don’t show you’re freaking out!
So, don’t let the emu make the first move (it will attack with beak or claws). You have to face it while raising your stick up and keeping eye contact, then think to yourself: “I’m not afraid, I’m crrrraaayyyy!”
In case the emu attacks with its beak, restrain it with your stick and keep a reasonable distance.
Walk backwards to the exit while keeping eye contact with the emu.
Go out from the paddock and you win!

Bande-son : “Flowers in your hair”, The Lumineers

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Un combat au quotidien…

Et je vous raconte même pas pour mon prénom. J’ai eu droit à toutes les variantes et même inventions loufoques… :D
Everyday battle
Also with my first name, I’ve heard so many variations and also many crazy made-up names… :D 

Bande-son : “Your at heart”, Joss Stone

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There are so many more rainbows in Australia than in France! (also sometimes, it’s a double rainbow!)
Farms often have water tanks to collect rain water. My skin has never been so smooth and well hydrated than with rain water! (the only other time was the water in Japan)
I have time to experiment with my cooking. So I’ve baked my first brioche and also my first pavlova!

Bande-son : “Avenue of Hope”, John Murphy, Sunshine soundtrack (je débarque un peu mais j’ai récemment vu Sunshine, un film de Danny Boyle et c’était vraiment bien *_*) / (I feel like I’m late but I’ve recently watched Sunshine from Danny Boyle and it was really good *_*)

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La première ferme où j’ai été était une ferme de fruits rouges. J’y ai appris à faire des confitures trop faciles (depuis je teste tout ce qui me passe sous la main, dernière en date : pomme rhubarbe, miam !) et des fruits en bocaux.
Ensuite, j’ai changé et je suis allée dans une ferme d’animaux. Il y en a plein dont… des émeus ! Tous les matins, ma mission est d’aller dans leur enclos pour aller chercher des œufs. Comme c’est assez grand et sauvage, j’ai l’impression de partir à l’aventure tous les matins, accompagnée de Florie, la chienne de la ferme, et un bâton pour me protéger. Car oui, les émeus ça peut être agressif…
Une sorte de chasse aux œufs grandeur nature !
This is Adventure time ! :D
The Adventure
The first farm I went to was a berry farm.  I’ve learnt to make easy peasy jams (I’ve been trying many, the last one was apple and rhubarb, yum!) and canned fruits. 
Then, I changed and went to a farm with many animals. There are a lot… and especially emus! Every morning, my mission is to go to their paddock and look for eggs. As it’s pretty big and wild, I feel like I’m going on an adventure with Florie the dog and a stick to protect myself. Because, yes, emus can be pretty aggressive…
It’s kind of a giant egg hunt!
This is adventure time! :D

Bande-son : “Sweet talk”, Jessie Ware

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