Archives de catégorie : La vie au musée

La vie au musée #3

Life at the Museum I’m ready to do everything for a girl, I can pay… 10 euros for her ! Security guards are weird at your museum… / And it’s not the worst I’ve heard ! Bande-son : “Blue Moon”, … Continuer la lecture

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La vie au musée #2

Life at the Museum #2 So, how was your day ?/ It sucks ! When I say “check-in”, people think I said “chicken” ! Rrrrr… rrr… (laughing) / That’s not funny ! Bande-son : “Hospital Beds”, Florence + the Machine

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La vie au musée #1

Ma sœur a un nouveau job et c’est drôle. Life at the Museum So, how is your new job ? / I validate tickets and stick stickers on visitors. My sister has a new job and it’s funny.  Bande-son : … Continuer la lecture

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