Post-it de Londres #1

Pffiou ! A peine arrivée à Paris, je suis partie faire un petit tour en Europe et en France pour diverses occasions > Saint Malo, Laval, Londres, Pauillac, Berlin, Amsterdam, Delft, Anvers, Strasbourg…
Je n’ai pas vraiment eu le temps de tenir un carnet de voyages (et puis, ce n’étaient que des destinations où j’avais déjà été maintes fois, à part Anvers…). J’ai quand même pris quelques petites notes histoire de ne pas oublier.
Aaah, le vieux continent m’avait manqué :)
Post-it form London #1
In London, 2 third of the runners run with a backpack.
Theory #1: Sometimes it’s a tiny backpack. It’s possible that it’s just water to be able to drink while running (it should be very convenient for long distances). straw/bottle of water
Theory #2: Some other times, the backpack is pretty bulky, it might be people’s clothes during their working day. They might just run back home…?
Theory #3: Like in Dragon Ball Z, people put extra weigh to train and improve.
Phhheewww! I just got back to Paris that I went onto a tour in Europe and in France for different occasions… > Saint Malo, Laval, London, Pauillac, Berlin, Amsterdam, Delft, Antwerp, Strasbourg…
I didn’t really have time to keep a travel diary (it was mostly destinations I’ve already been… except Antwerp). Anyway, I wrote down some notes that I wanted to remember.
Aaaah, I’ve missed the old continent :)

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