Pendant ce temps-là

Ça, c’est moi…
This is me…

Bande-son : “We’re going to be friends”, White Stripes

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Géo Ado #124

Ce mois-ci dans Géo Ado, il y a un petit article sur mes carnets de voyage ;)
This month in Geo Ado, there is an article about my travel diaries ;)

Bande-son : “You can’t turn me away”, Sylvia Striplin

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Week-end de 4 jours

La semaine dernière, c’était jour férié pour le Queen’s birthday. J’en ai profité pour aller voir plus à l’Ouest, vers Adelaide et les régions alentours. J’ai été étonnée de voir que les paysages changeaient vraiment d’un endroit à l’autre, je ne pensais pas trouver des dunes de sable géantes, des grottes avec des fossiles et des forêts verdoyantes entre deux.
J’ai pas dessiné (on a dit “vacances”), mais j’en ai profité pour étrenner mon nouvel appareil photo, le Fuji X-E 1, les photos sont sur mon tumblr.
Enjoy ;)
4 days week end
Adelaide, city of churches. There are so many churches that sometimes, it’s something else. “this is not a church, it’s a korean restaurant” / “holy smell of grilled meat…”
Mount Gambier. Volcanic region! There are many caves to visit, Naracoorte is the most famous one and is classified World Heritage Site!
Limestone Coast, “petrified forest that is not.” It’s mostly sand and sea winds that shaped these rocks. Star Wars atmosphere! 
Blue Lake, a volcano exploded and there is the blue lake.
Discovery Bay, in Portland (not the Oregon one, but Victoria in Australia!) Giant sand dunes, wallabys and emeus everywhere! “They shot the movie “Where the wild things are” here!
Last week, there was a public holiday for Queen’s Birthday. It was the opportunity to go further West, to Adelaide and its surroundings. I was amazed that the landscapes changed so much from a place to another. I didn’t expect to find sand dunes, caves or green forest in between! I didn’t draw (holidays!) but I took many photos with my new camera, the Fuji X-E 1. You can check them on my tumblr.
Enjoy ;) 

Bande-son : “Grow up and blow away”, Metric

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Où est Charlie

Where’s Wally

Bande-son : “Toxic”, Yael Naim

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Bande-son : “The Fall”, Rhye

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